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October 5, 2007

Take A Rain Check With Tamil Nadu Weather Man LBB Chennai

In comparison, the allocation for communicable diseases is three times more at Rs 2,178 crore and for reproductive and child health services about nine times greater at Rs 6,273 crore. The biggest holes are in our lack of response to the crisis. Pharmacies profit from antibiotic sales and push them, even when they are not needed. The long-standing requirement that an antibiotic be issued only against a prescription is not observed even in cities where there are more than enough physicians to examine patients and guide treatment. Antibiotics continue to be widely used in the animal industry even though there are regulations discouraging such use. Vaccines that could reduce the need for antibiotics are not used enough. Research published in Nature showed infections due to pneumococcal pneumonia cause 56.9 million antibiotic-treated episodes annually in children under five around the world, but most of these could be prevented by vaccination.

latest weather report by ramanan

During the December deluge, social media memes on Tamil Nadu’s own weatherman trended heavily on social media. Memes like “Ruled by semester exams…there is only one hope…Ramanan sir…examinations postponed” often went viral on social media. There are several YouTube videos created as a tribute to him. There are also Facebook pages running Ramanan jokes. The man himself says he enjoys seeing these videos and jokes. “I also laugh looking at a good weather joke that I often feature in,” he smiles. First, the National Health Mission allocates less than 3 per cent to non-communicable diseases flexipool visit https://test.ztso.org.tr/.

I also have an everyday video-conferencing with my colleagues nationally. Besides, I visit educational institutions to give lectures on weekends. At some places abroad, you can predict accurately by seeing when the cold air mass meets warm air mass. Ours is tropical meteorology — not many know it’s the toughest terrain in the entire world, in terms of weather. We have still managed to get it right on most occasions, but yes, there is scope for improvement. In response to these concerns, the ICMR has announced it will step up its surveillance of antimicrobial resistance by setting up more labs and facilities.

Thane still ‘haunts’ retiring Ramanan

“I am holding my head high while demitting office. When I joined the department in 1980, I still remember how people used to make fun of IMD weather forecasts. But, over the years, people’s perception has https://incrediblemirzapur.in/ changed a lot thanks to technological advancement,” he says. As heavy rain hit Chennai over the past month, an unassuming official of the regional meteorological department has acquired celebrity status.

They consult the Tamil Nadu Weatherman before planning events or going out to do something big. There have been instances where farmers reportedly consulted him before buying tractors and expanding their fields. Some even consult him if they host functions in open halls or have travel plans. The reason why he has such a large following is that he can breakdown technical details to something that even a common person can comprehend. If you’re suspicious about the sun isn’t shining as bright as usual, just check the page to see if the clouds are going to burst in your area. SR Ramanan is now nearing 60 years of age and is set to retire in March 2016.

One story described in our article said 40 Crocodiles had escaped from the Madras Crocodile Bank on East Coast Road of Chennai through the flood waters. Many of us have probably never heard of someone dying of antibiotic resistance. But chances are that the person you know who died of multi-organ failure or systemic infection — all code words for an untreatable hospital infections — likely died of antibiotic resistance. In other words, if antibiotics worked as well as they did when they were first introduced, we would not have lost these patients.

Sun 02 | Day

The news was not telecasted in CNN IBN either. After these stories created panic among residents of Chennai, Regional Meteorological Centre Director SR Ramanan, who has been giving daily weather reports, asked people not to believe the rumors. The original warning was actually issued in 2013, when NASA’s Aqua satellite passed over Cyclone Helen as it was making landfall in eastern India on 22 November 2013.

He pointed out that with the support from his family he was able to work round the clock to forecast weather and serve public. “My office friends too have helped me a lot by providing any data that I ask,” he added. About his experiences with forecasting cyclones during his tenure as ACWC director, Ramanan said that he had forecast a few major cyclones which made landfall in Tamil Nadu, including Nisha, Thane and Nilam, besides lot of trough of low pressures.

India has been in a serious water crisis for the past 20 years. Per capita availability has declined to about 1,400 cubic meters annually and will decline further as urban and industrial growth accelerates. The issues are well known, but in their thematic and administrative silos. This further reduces their capacity to bounce back.

But when Tamil Nadu recovered from the worst rains in a century, the state’s MeT department is basking in a glow of admiration. And one MeT department official in particular has become something of a cult figure in Chennai, and he is none other than S. He had a career spanning of three decades in this field. He has been appearing on television channels since 2002 to deliver weather forecasts. He came to spotlight during Chennai floods in 2015, 7-8 months prior to his retirement.
